Fence Between USA and Mexico – level 3

18-04-2018 07:00

American officials came together to talk about the start of the $73-million project along the US-Mexico border – building a fence.

The structure looks like a heavy-duty fence, but the US officials call it a ballard wall, as Trump had promised to build a wall.

The chief of the local border patrol said that the wall would be in some places 9 metres high, durable, long-lasting, hard to get over, hard to get through, and hard to get underneath. The current fence, which is mesh, is easy to break through, easy to climb over and expensive and time-consuming for patrol to repair.

At the top of the new fence, there is going to be 1.5-metre anti-scaling plate, so even if somebody gets to the top, it will be very hard for him or her to get over.

Difficult words: official (a person who works for the government), heavy-duty (well built, strong), border patrol (a type of police which stops people from illegally getting from one country to another, durable (tough), mesh (a material made of wire).

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