Family Saves Bear – level 3

05-09-2022 15:00

A family in Wisconsin, US, were out fishing on Marshmiller Lake, when they spotted an animal swimming with what appeared to be a plastic tub stuck on its head.

The family maneuvered their boat around, and they realized that the trapped animal was in fact a baby black bear that struggled to stay afloat.

The family followed the bear with a boat before they got close enough to be able to remove the plastic container from the bear’s head. However, their first attempt was unsuccessful, and the family circled back around for a second try to get the plastic off. They saved the bear, and it made it safely to the shore.

The black bear’s primary range is located in the north of the state. However, due to a growing population, bears are becoming more common in the lower part of the state than ever before.

Difficult words: maneuver (to move skillfully or carefully), afloat (above the surface of water), primary range (the main or the most important area where something exists).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What actions did the family in Wisconsin take to help the baby black bear they found struggling in Marshmiller Lake?


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