Fish from a lab – level 3

19-05-2021 07:00

A San Francisco-based cellular agriculture startup company has revealed the latest prototype of its cell-based salmon.

The fish is made with real salmon cells that are grown in a brewery-like system in stainless steel tanks. A scaffold made from plant-based ingredients help the cells organize into a recognizable fish fillet shape. The company says that it aims to protect wild salmon and the oceans and help solve global food insecurity.

Salmon is the second most consumed seafood after shrimp, and it’s the most consumed finfish. While demand for seafood is at an all-time high, wild fish continue to plummet, and salmon farms face warming coastal waters due to climate change. Fish are declining and there’s been a lot of movement toward alternative proteins. The lab-grown salmon will provide the same nutritional benefits as wild-caught fish without contaminants such as mercury, microplastics or antibiotics.

Difficult words: cellular agriculture (the production of animal-sourced foods from cell culture), prototype (the first example of a new idea), scaffold (a structure that is used to support materials during building or repair), plummet (to fall quickly), contaminant (a polluting or poisonous substance that makes something impure).

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