World’s oldest woman dies – level 1

03-05-2022 07:00

Kane Tanaka is the oldest woman in the world. She is 119 years old. She dies on April 19.

Tanaka lives in the city of Fukoka, Japan. She marries an owner of a shop when she is 19 years old. Tanaka works in the shop until she is 103.

The woman spends the last years of her life in a nursing home. A nursing home is a place where elderly people live. Tanaka likes math. She likes to learn new things. Her family says that these things help her live so long.

Tanaka is born in 1903. She lives through both world wars. She survives the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. She survives COVID-19, too.

Difficult words:  owner (a person who has something, and it belongs to him), elderly (old), survive (to live after something bad happens).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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