The body’s appendix – level 3

08-08-2024 15:00

The body’s appendix is the small tube that’s attached to our large intestine, and it’s located in the lower right side of our belly.

Scientists agree that the appendix might be a leftover organ as humans evolved, and it gets little credit because people can generally live without it. However, a study published in 2007 suggests that the appendix could help with digestion. Researchers found that the appendix helps store good microbes that digest food. These good bacteria leave our body when we are ill, and the appendix releases more of them.

Another study suggests that the appendix strengthens our immunity. It contains lymphoid cells that help the body fight infection. People without their appendix are more likely to have a severe illness if they get an infection from bacteria that cause diarrhea and colon inflammation.

Difficult words: credit (public acknowledgment or praise), microbe (a very small organism), immunity (the ability to resist a disease).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What role does the appendix play in digestion and immunity according to the studies mentioned?


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