EU countries ban phones in schools – level 3

03-07-2024 07:00

A small cultural revolution is happening at a German school where a mobile phone ban is being considered for both teachers and students.

This idea has caused controversy, as some people believe a complete ban is not practical. Students addicted to phones often see their grades drop. Banning phones in schools has been debated for years, not only in Germany. France, Italy, Britain, and the Netherlands have banned cell phones from the classroom. Since 2022, calls for a ban have been getting louder in Germany. Some schools limit phone use during classes, but this school in Nortorf tried banning phones entirely for two days a week. At first, teachers and parents opposed the idea, especially in rural areas where communication is necessary. However, the ban led to students playing more games and socializing during breaks, which improved their concentration and learning abilities.

Integrating digital devices, including smartphones, into the curriculum can enhance learning. Some innovative approaches include using games like Minecraft for educational purposes. While the full ban in Nortof has ended, the experiment changed how students use their phones.

Difficult words: controversy (public disagreement or discussion), practical (effective or suitable), curriculum (the subjects studied in a school and what each subject includes), innovative (new and creative).

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What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing a complete mobile phone ban in schools, based on the experiences of the school in Nortorf?


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