World’s highest railway bridge – level 2

16-08-2024 07:00

India built the world’s highest single-arch railway bridge. It will connect Kashmir with the rest of India by train for the first time.

The bridge is 1.3 km long and stands 359 meters high, which means that it is taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris. This railway is important because it will help both during peace and conflict. The military can use it to transport soldiers and equipment to the border. The railway will also help the economy in Kashmir. Many farmers in Kashmir depend on selling fruits, but they often have problems because of bad roads and landslides. The new railway can help them sell their products in southern India and have more money.

The bridge may also bring more tourists to Kashmir, but ongoing conflicts may stop some benefits.

Difficult words: arch (a structure with a curved top), peace (a period in which there is no war or conflict), ongoing (continuing to exist).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What are the potential benefits of the new railway bridge for farmers in Kashmir?


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