Where is doner kebab from? – level 1

04-09-2024 07:00

The Doner Federation in Istanbul wants the Doner kebab to be officially called Turkish. They ask the EU to make doner kebab Turkish.

This makes doner kebab shops in Berlin worried. In Berlin, doner kebabs have different ingredients, like red cabbage. If the Turkish plan works, these kebabs may have problems. People in Berlin think ‘doner’ should be for everyone, like ‘pizza’.

Doner kebabs are very popular in Germany and are part of the culture. The problem starts in the 1950s. Turkish workers bring doner to Berlin. They change it to fit what people there like to eat.

Difficult words: ingredient (a part or thing in food), culture (what people think, believe, and do), fit (to be suitable).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What concerns do doner kebab shops in Berlin have regarding the Doner Federation's request to officially call the dish Turkish?


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