Teachers in Portugal get help – level 1

06-09-2024 15:00

In Portugal, a town near Lisbon is helping teachers find cheaper places to live.

The Cascais City Council will give 105 homes with lower rent to teachers who travel far to work. Right now, four houses are ready for 16 teachers. More homes will be ready soon, in places like Bicesse and Cobre. Some are in buildings like the Monastery of Santa Maria do Mar. 44 teachers can stay there.

The rent will be between 150 and 400 euros a month. The council will also give houses to teachers who only stay for a short time. The rent will be between 275 and 400 euros. The idea is to keep talented teachers in the area.

Difficult words: rent (money which you pay to live in a place), talented (when you are naturally very good at something).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What is the range of rent that the Cascais City Council will charge teachers for the homes they are providing?


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