People in Switzerland vote about saving nature – level 3

26-09-2024 07:00

Switzerland held a referendum about increasing funding to protect biodiversity. The plan would have encouraged farmers to set aside land for nature and boosted the total area of untouched green spaces.

It also aimed to prevent new construction in protected areas, such as dry meadows.

However, the proposal was rejected by 66.6% of voters, with only 33.4% in favor. The government and many rural voters opposed the plan, saying it would cost too much. Currently, Switzerland spends 630 million euros annually on biodiversity protection, and opponents fear further spending would hurt economic development and make construction projects more expensive.

Switzerland is famous for its natural beauty, but it faces serious threats to its wildlife. Environmentalists argued that increasing protected spaces is vital to protecting the country’s biodiversity, which is critical for tourism, air quality, and water supplies. They pointed out that one-third of the country’s plant and animal species are either endangered or already gone.

Difficult words: biodiversity (the variety of plant and animal life), in favor (supporting an idea or plan), vital (necessary, very important).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What were the arguments made by environmentalists in favor of increasing protected spaces in Switzerland, and how did they relate to the country's biodiversity and economy?


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