Spot the robot dog – Level 3

24-02-2015 15:00

A new robot dog named Spot has been revealed by Boston Dynamics. The Google-owned robotics company released this YouTube video of Spot, a four-legged robot that can navigate rough terrain and office cubicles alike.

The four-legged creation runs on an electric motor that powers a series of hydraulics, the motors responsible for controlling the movement of a mechanical system.

Spot can be seen walking indoors, walking through various outdoor terrains, climbing stairs, and running. The video also shows Spot being kicked – a bit mean, but presumably to demonstrate its use of a sensor that helps it navigate and walk.

Boston Dynamics, which is based in Massachusetts, was purchased by Google for an undisclosed amount in December 2013.

Difficult words: reveal (to show something for the first time), rough (rocky or hilly), terrain (land), office cubicle (a small part of an office for a person to work inside), alike (as well), hydraulic (something that works by the use of a liquid), various (different), presumably (probably), demonstrate (to show off), sensor (a machine that knows where things are), purchase (to buy), undisclosed (secret).


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Stock images by Depositphotos