Search Result For hit

Accident in Russia – level 1

29-06-2015 07:00

Omsk is a city. It is in Russia. It...

Accident in Russia – level 2

29-06-2015 07:00

A passenger bus collided with a truck carrying bricks...

Water and animals in the streets – level 2

18-06-2015 07:00

Severe flooding hit Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. At...

Baby Albino Kangaroo – level 1

09-06-2015 07:00

A kangaroo is born. He is born at a...

Baby Albino Kangaroo – level 2

09-06-2015 07:00

Last year, a baby kangaroo was born at a...

Baby Albino Kangaroo – level 3

09-06-2015 07:00

A baby albino kangaroos has come out if its...

Killer Whales in Tokyo Bay- level 1

03-06-2015 07:00

Killer whales swim through a bay. The bay is...

Very Hot Weather in India – level 3

01-06-2015 07:00

A heat wave in India has meant even the...

Criminals want a kidney – level 1

27-05-2015 07:00

An immigrant is in Spain. He is poor. He...

War on drugs in Mexico – level 3

25-05-2015 07:00

Forty-two suspected drug cartel henchmen were killed by Mexican...