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Lost Daughter in China – level 1

09-04-2018 15:00

This news is from China. In 1994, a couple...

Yoga for Dogs – level 3

21-02-2018 15:00

As we have entered the Chinese Year of the...

Helicopter Crash in Japan – level 3

08-02-2018 07:00

A Japanese military helicopter crashed in south-western Japan, ripping...

Australia Day – level 2

05-02-2018 15:00

Australia Day is on January 26th which is the...

Cloned Monkeys – level 3

05-02-2018 07:00

Scientists in China successfully cloned two healthy monkeys using...

eBay and the Brain – level 3

20-10-2017 07:00

In London, eBay opened the ‘Art of Shopping’, a...

Martin Shkreli – level 3

20-09-2017 07:00

Martin Shkreli, a controversial pharma CEO, gained notoriety for...

Blue Dogs in India – level 3

22-08-2017 15:00

Contaminated waters on the outskirts of Mumbai, India are...

Casino on Fire – level 2

07-06-2017 15:00

A gunman stormed into a casino in Manila, poured...

Casino on Fire – level 3

07-06-2017 15:00

A gunman stormed into a casino in Manila, poured...