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News about the Colorado shooting – level 3

18-09-2015 15:00

New photos have emerged which were taken at the...

Training for Mars – level 2

04-09-2015 15:00

Six people from NASA, 3 men and 3 women,...

Two journalists are killed – level 2

31-08-2015 07:00

In Virgina, somebody shot two television journalists and killed...

Two journalists are killed – level 3

31-08-2015 07:00

Two television journalists have been shot and killed in...

Thousands of dead fish – level 3

25-08-2015 15:00

As they collect thousands of dead fish, the question...

Thousands of dead fish – level 2

25-08-2015 15:00

Thousands of dead fish emerged in a lake in...

Planes with drugs – level 1

25-08-2015 07:00

People produce cocaine in Peru. They send the cocaine...

Planes with drugs – level 2

25-08-2015 07:00

According to the United States, Peru is the world’s...

Planes with drugs – level 3

25-08-2015 07:00

If suspected of carrying drugs to smuggle out of...

Police takes a lot of drugs – level 3

17-08-2015 07:00

One billion dollars’ worth of cocaine and heroin seized...