Search Result For make it

Lucky landing in Brazil – level 3

10-04-2014 15:00

It was a lucky escape for the crew and...

Lucky landing in Brazil – level 2

10-04-2014 15:00

A Brazilian plane had a problem. Its front landing...

Lucky landing in Brazil – level 1

10-04-2014 15:00

A Brazilian plane has a problem. Its front wheels...

Earthquake in Chile – level 1

09-04-2014 15:00

An earthquake hits in Chile. It happens in the...

Biggest flying animals – level 1

09-04-2014 07:00

There is a show in a museum in New...

Shark attack in Australia – level 3

08-04-2014 07:00

A 63 year-old woman has been killed by a...

Skydiver dies in Arizona – level 1

07-04-2014 07:00

A lot of skydivers meet in Arizona, USA. They...

Pictures on bubble wrap – level 2

03-04-2014 07:00

People love playing with bubble wrap. An artist from...

Pictures on bubble wrap – level 1

03-04-2014 07:00

People play with bubble wrap. They love it. An...