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Oklahoma Oil Rig Explodes – level 2

02-02-2018 07:00

Near Oklahoma, USA, an oil rig exploded in the...

Oklahoma Oil Rig Explodes – level 3

02-02-2018 07:00

Near Oklahoma, USA, an oil rig exploded and five...

Turkey and Kurds – level 1

31-01-2018 07:00

Afrin is a region and a city in the...

Fastest City Zip Line – level 2

26-01-2018 07:00

In Dubai, a new zip line opened. It is...

Fastest City Zip Line – level 1

26-01-2018 07:00

A new zip line opens in Dubai. It is...

Chelsea Manning in Politics – level 1

25-01-2018 07:00

Chelsea Manning works for the US army. She is...

Dog Smells for Cash – level 3

24-01-2018 07:00

A dog named Jessie has been trained to smell...

Panic in Hawaii – level 2

19-01-2018 15:00

On Saturday, January 13th, Hawaiians received an emergency text...

Panic in Hawaii – level 1

19-01-2018 15:00

On Saturday, January 13th, people in Hawaii panic. They...

Panic in Hawaii – level 3

19-01-2018 15:00

On Saturday, January the 13th, Hawaiians received an emergency...