Search Result For plant

Toxic Water in Fukushima – level 1

13-09-2019 15:00

There is a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan....

Toxic Water in Fukushima – level 2

13-09-2019 15:00

In 2011, an earthquake and a tsunami struck the...

Toxic Water in Fukushima – level 3

13-09-2019 15:00

In 2011, a disaster struck the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear...

Cows and Climate Change – level 3

11-09-19 15:00

In the USA, beef production uses more resources and...

The World’s Oxygen – level 1

09-09-2019 15:00

The Amazon rainforests are on fire at the moment....

The World’s Oxygen – level 2

09-09-2019 15:00

People are worried about the world’s oxygen because many...

The World’s Oxygen – level 3

09-09-2019 15:00

People are concerned about the amount of oxygen in...

Amazon Rainforest – level 1

16-07-2019 07:00

This news is about the Amazon Rainforest. Scientists say...

Most Refugees Ever – level 2

28-06-2019 07:00

A report by a refugee agency says that the...

No Electricity in South America – level 1

24-06-2019 07:00

Last Sunday, two hydroelectric plants in Argentina fail. This...