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Yemen Gets Help – level 1

11-12-2017 07:00

Yemen is in a war. There are air, land,...

Yemen Gets Help – level 3

11-12-2017 07:00

Yemen is in a war and it has been...

LGBT Life in Indonesia – level 3

18-10-2017 15:00

Special police task forces have been set up to...

LGBT Life in Indonesia – level 2

18-10-2017 15:00

In Indonesia, people set up special police task forces...

Harvey Weinstein Scandal – level 2

16-10-2017 07:00

Harvey Weinstein is a famous film producer and co-founder...

Fire Tornado – level 1

13-10-2017 15:00

Portugal has a big problem. There are many fires...

Fire in London – level 3

19-06-2017 15:00

As families slept, a fire engulfed Grenfell Tower, a...

Beach in Ireland – level 3

17-05-2017 07:00

In 1984, a beach in a village in Ireland...

Big Statue of Pharaoh in Egypt – level 3

24-03-2017 07:00

People recently found an ancient statue in Egypt. It...

Drug Daraprim – level 2

07-12-2016 15:00

Daraprim is a life-saving anti-malarial drug. Its price recently...