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Guns kill American children – level 3

18-05-2022 07:00

Since 2017, guns are the leading cause of death...

U2 plays in Kyiv subway – level 2

16-05-2022 07:00

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyi invited Bono and the Edge...

U2 plays in Kyiv subway – level 3

16-05-2022 07:00

Bono and the Edge are members of the Irish...

Women must cover faces again – level 1

13-05-2022 07:00

In 1996 to 2001, the Taliban is in power...

Women must cover faces again – level 2

13-05-2022 07:00

The Taliban ruled in Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001,...

Women must cover faces again – level 3

13-05-2022 07:00

Afghanistan’s Taliban government ordered women to cover their faces...

Soldiers give woman a cake – level 3

06-05-2022 07:00

90-year-old Meri Mion said that she will never forget...

Nigeria explosion – level 1

05-05-2022 15:00

An oil refinery is a place where people make...

Russian soldiers at Ukrainian nuclear plant – level 1

04-05-2022 07:00

Russian soldiers come to the Chernobyl nuclear plant in...

Russian soldiers at Ukrainian nuclear plant – level 3

04-05-2022 07:00

The International Atomic Energy Agency said that Russian soldiers...