A man touches an orca – level 3

27-05-2024 07:00

New Zealand officials fined a 50-year-old man for attempting to ‘body slam’ an orca near Devonport, Auckland.

The incident was recorded on video and posted on Instagram. It showed the man deliberately trying to touch the orca while others on the boat laughed and cheered. The Department of Conservation called his actions reckless and dangerous for both himself and the male orca, which was swimming with a calf. Investigation officers expressed shock at the man’s behavior and highlighted the potential risk to both the man and the orca.

Orcas, also known as killer whales, are the largest member of the dolphin family and are critically endangered in New Zealand, with fewer than 200 left. The man’s actions were illegal, as disturbing or swimming with marine mammals is prohibited. The man was fined 600 dollars, and fortunately, the orcas involved were not significantly harmed.

Difficult words: reckless (careless and without thought of the consequences), potential (possible), endangered (at risk of dying out).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What was the reaction of the Department of Conservation to the man's attempt to 'body slam' an orca, and what were the consequences for his actions?


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