Apple breaks EU rules – level 3

28-06-2024 07:00

Apple has been charged by EU antitrust regulators for violating tech rules, which might lead to a fine of up to 10% of its global annual turnover.

The European Commission’s investigation, which started in March, focuses on Apple’s new business terms that reportedly disadvantage app developers. This is the first charge that aims to control Big Tech’s power and ensure fair competition. The final decision is expected by March next year. EU antitrust chief highlighted that Apple’s terms restrict app developers from freely communicating with users and concluding contracts. Apple must change its business practices to avoid the fine.

Apple has made several changes recently based on feedback from developers and the Commission and stated it will continue to work with the Commission. Additionally, the Commission criticized Apple’s fees for acquiring new customers through the App Store, arguing they exceed what is necessary for fair compensation.

Difficult words: antitrust (limiting the market power of any particular firm), violate (to break a rule), compensation (money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that’s been lost or damaged).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What changes has Apple made in response to feedback from developers and the Commission?


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