Australia social media ban – level 3

13-09-2024 07:00

Australia is planning to ban children from using social media due to concerns about the mental health consequences it causes.

The new legislation, expected by the end of the year, will introduce and enforce a minimum age requirement for platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Although the exact age hasn’t been revealed, it will likely be between 14 and 16. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called social media a scourge and emphasized its harmful effects on children’s mental health, such as online bullying. He believes that children should experience life with real people rather than spending time on their devices.

However, this proposal has sparked debate. Critics argue that this strict age limit could prevent children from benefiting from social media, which helps them stay connected and informed. They prefer improving online safety instead.

Difficult words: consequence (a result or effect, usually one that is unwelcome or unpleasant), scourge (a cause of great suffering or harm), debate (a formal discussion on a particular matter).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What are the arguments presented by critics against the proposed legislation to enforce a minimum age requirement for social media use in Australia?


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