Baby Bird and Boxer Dog – level 3

30-03-2021 15:00

An unlikely friendship formed between a boxer dog and a baby bird. The two-year-old dog Rusty took a shine to the chick after she fell out of her nest and landed in his garden.

They are now an adorable duo popular on the Internet – people viewed their videos thousands of times and counting. The little birdie has set up home, nesting herself in a potted indoor tree, although she seems to prefer nuzzling in Rusty’s paws.

Difficult words: take a shine to (like something), adorable (cute), nesting (making a nest – a bird’s home), potted (in a pot – a thing in which you put a plant), nuzzling (friendly touching with a nose), paw (an animal’s foot).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

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  1. Do the test at Test Languages.
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  2. Talk with this person. You can answer questions from Speak in Levels.


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