Bear Climbs a Tall Pole – level 3

21-07-2022 15:00

A video posted on social media captured the moment that a bear reached the top of a tall utility tower to approach a birds’ nest in the Canadian town of Fort Smith.

The video shows the bear gripping the top of the 30-metre tower as it hovered its head over the nest, ignoring the power cables surrounding it. A woman who captured the moment on camera said that ravens were croaking loudly during the bear’s ascent and descent.

After the intruder reached the ground, it casually strolled away.

Difficult words: hover (stay in the air above something), ascent (a climb up), descent (a climb down), intruder (someone who intrudes – comes to a place he or she should not go), stroll (walk in a relaxed way).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What do you think about this bear?


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