Berlin Pride parade – level 2

31-07-2024 07:00

Hundreds of thousands of people joined Berlin’s annual Pride parade to celebrate the LGBTQ community. In some countries, LGBTQ people still have fewer rights and face unfair treatment. DW Reporter Lukas Wiehler met a father and son from Kazakhstan who were happy to celebrate. Alex is proud of his son Vanya, who came out when he moved to Germany. At first, Vanya’s parents were very sad and shocked. But they slowly accepted him.

In Kazakhstan and other places, LGBTQ people face tough laws and many people hurt them. Even though the Berlin Pride is a happy event, it reminds us that many people are still fighting for acceptance. Vanya’s father is now an activist. He speaks to parents from countries like Georgia, Belarus, and Russia to support LGBTQ people. They want to share a message of love when they go back home.

Difficult words: annual (happening every year), treatment (how someone behaves towards you), come out (to openly speak about your sexual orientation), acceptance (when someone takes you as you are).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What message do Vanya's father and other activists want to share when they return to their home countries?


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