Can Biden win again? – level 2

11-07-2024 07:00

The first 2024 debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was bad for Biden. Biden, who is 81, looked confused. 78-year-old Trump seemed more in control.

Voters and the Democratic Party saw Biden’s poor performance and are thinking about other candidates. Biden says he will stay in the race, but many believe he should leave. Elizabeth Holtzman, a former Congresswoman, says the party is giving Biden time to decide. If Biden can’t show he is fit to be president, more people will look for another candidate. Possible new candidates are Vice President Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Holtzman believes new candidates could motivate voters and beat Trump.

Even though Trump has his own problems, the Democratic Party needs a strong candidate. Holtzman thinks governors with experience could do the job well.

Difficult words: performance (how well someone does something), candidate (a person running for a position or job), motivate (to make someone want to do something).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What are some possible new candidates that could motivate voters and beat Trump, according to former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman?


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