Cocoa farmers grow rubber – level 2

17-06-2024 07:00

Ivory Coast is the biggest cocoa producer, but many farmers now grow rubber instead.

They say that rubber farming is cheaper and easier. They harvest cocoa only once or twice a year, while rubber gives them money every month. Rubber production in Ivory Coast grew from 170,000 tons to 1.5 million tons in three years. Climate change and high costs make more farmers switch to rubber. Rubber trees take time to produce but need less work and have stable prices.

This change worries the cocoa industry because 90% of cocoa comes from small farmers. The cocoa industry must help poor farmers. Without help, fewer farmers will grow cocoa, which could raise chocolate prices.

Difficult words: harvest (to collect plants or animals as food), stable (not changing).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What are some of the reasons why farmers in Ivory Coast are switching from cocoa to rubber production?


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