Copenhagen and climate change – level 3

26-08-2024 07:00

In response to the 2011 flood that left Copenhagen severely damaged, over 300 climate adaptation projects have been launched in Denmark’s capital to protect it from future floods and extreme weather.

These initiatives include underground tunnels that will carry excess rainwater to the sea and the creation of green spaces that act as natural sponges to absorb water. The city is also preparing for rising sea levels and increasing temperatures by planting more trees and developing green areas.

The projects, which cost over 2 billion dollars, aim to prevent future economic losses from extreme weather events. They are expected to become more frequent due to climate change. Other cities worldwide are observing Copenhagen’s efforts because they face similar challenges.

Difficult words: adaptation (changes to fit new conditions), initiative (an act or strategy intended to solve a difficulty or improve a situation), challenge (a difficult task or situation).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What types of initiatives have been implemented in Copenhagen to protect the city from future floods and extreme weather?


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