Dog Takes Care of Tiger Cubs – level 2

20-03-2017 07:00

In the Cincinnati Zoo in the USA, an Australian Shepherd dog is a part-time nanny to three Malaysian tiger cubs. The cubs climb and paw all over him. The cubs were born on February 3rd, and zookeepers took over because their mother ignored them.

The dog is a resident companion to animals at the zoo that need to cuddle or need comfort. He also keeps the cubs in check, if needed.

The dog has worked with other baby animals before. He helped take care of baby cheetahs, wallabies, skunks, and others.

Difficult words: paw (push on something with a paw – an animal’s foot), resident companion (someone who stays with others to help them), keep in check (tell someone when he or she is not good), wallaby (an animal which is similar to a kangaroo).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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