DR Congo prison break – level 1

06-09-2024 07:00

In Congo, a prison in Kinshasa has a big problem. Last week, some prisoners try to escape. At least 129 people die.

People who live near the prison hear shootings early in the morning. The prison has problems in the past, too. In 2017, many prisoners escape. This time, there is a fire. The situation is very dangerous. Some women prisoners are hurt, too.

At first, the government first says that only two people die. But later the number is much higher. The prison is too full. There are 15,000 prisoners. But the capacity is 1,500.

Difficult words: prisoner (a person who stays in prison, a place for people who do something wrong), escape (to get away), capacity (how many things, people or other stuff can fit in one place).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What was the discrepancy between the initial and later reported death toll during the prison escape attempt in Kinshasa, Congo?


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