DR Congo prison break – level 2

06-09-2024 07:00

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, an attempted prison escape at Makala prison in Kinshasa led to at least 129 deaths.

People living nearby heard gunfire early on Monday morning. The prison had other escapes, like in 2017, when over 4,000 prisoners ran away. This time, the prisoners set the prison’s office building on fire, and the situation became very dangerous. Some women prisoners were also hurt during the event.

At first, the government said only two people died, but later they claimed many more. They promised to find out who was responsible. The prison is very overcrowded. It currently holds about 15,000 people, though it should hold only 1,500.

Difficult words: attempted (tried but not successful), gunfire (repeated shooting of one or more guns), overcrowded (having too many people in one place).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What was the government's initial report regarding the number of casualties in the Makala prison escape attempt, and how did this figure change later on?


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