DR Congo prison break – level 3

06-09-2024 07:00

The Interior Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo has confirmed that at least 129 people were killed during an attempted prison break at Makala prison in Kinshasa.

Residents near the prison reported hearing gunfire early on Monday morning. The situation escalated, leading to the deaths of many inmates. In the past, Makala prison experienced similar incidents, most notably in 2017, when over 4,000 prisoners escaped after an armed attack. During this recent attempt, the prison’s administrative building was set on fire, and reports indicate that some female prisoners were raped.

Although the government initially claimed only two deaths, it has since acknowledged the higher death toll and has promised to hold those responsible accountable. A special commission has been set up to investigate the incident, highlighting ongoing issues such as overcrowding. The prison was built to hold 1,500 inmates; however, it currently houses around 15,000.

Difficult words: initially (at first), toll (the total number or count), accountable (required to explain actions or decisions).

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What issues, highlighted by the recent attempted prison break at Makala prison in Kinshasa, is a special commission set up to investigate?


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