France mass rape trial – level 2

20-09-2024 15:00

71-year-old Dominique Pelicot said he drugged and raped his wife Gisèle for over 10 years. He also invited 50 other men to rape her while she was unconscious.

In court, he said he was a rapist like the others. The men said they thought it was a sex game arranged by Pelicot and Gisèle. Gisèle asked for the trial to be public although she had the right to remain anonymous.

Pelicot had many videos of the attacks, which the court will use as evidence against the others. The trial will take many weeks as each man will try to defend himself. Pelicot said that Gisèle did not know about the raping because she was always unconscious.

Difficult words: rape (to sexually attack a person), unconscious (not awake), anonymous (when others do not know the name of a person).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What was the reason given by the men who were invited by Dominique Pelicot to rape his wife Gisèle?


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