Germany and asylum-seekers – level 2

02-09-2024 07:00

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Solingen, where a man killed three people with a knife last week.

Scholz said the attack was an act of terrorism, and he promised to fight against extremism. Scholz said that such attacks were dangerous for everyone. The police arrested a 26-year-old Syrian man, and the Islamic State terror group said they were responsible for the attack. In the past, the man applied for asylum in Germany, but officials rejected the application. He was meant to leave for Bulgaria, where he first got to the EU.

The incident caused protests across the country. People want stricter rules for asylum-seekers and faster deportation. The attack may impact state elections, and anti-immigration parties may get more support.

Difficult words: extremism (having strong political or religious ideas), asylum (protection or safety), reject (to say no), deportation (making someone leave a country, usually because they have no right to be there).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What did German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promise to do in response to the attack in Solingen?


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