History for sale – level 1

29-07-2022 07:00

Unusual things from history are on auction. The things are from 500 years of time. They are about written things, music, science, and important history events.

One written example is a letter from the US President Fraklin D. Roosevelt. It is to the airplane pilot Amelia Earhart. He is a popular US president. She is the first famous female pilot. A scientific example is a US flag from the Apollo 11. The Apollo 11 is the first spaceship to take people to the Moon.

Another scientific example is a page from the Gutenberg Bible. This bible is the first book to get made with a printing press. An important history example is records from the Enola Gay military airplane. This airplane drops the first atomic bomb on Japan. It happens in World War II.

Difficult words: on auction (an event to sell unusual things and people work to buy the things at a higher price), printing press (the first machine to make books and newspapers with blocks of print or letters), atomic bomb (a dangerous bomb that kills many people and breaks many places at one time).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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