Louis Vuitton bags – level 2

04-12-2024 07:00

Louis Vuitton is a famous brand, but fake bags are hard to spot.

Reporter John Matarese showed how tricky it can be while shopping. Many people want designer bags during the holidays, but some online stores sell fake products. It is important to check websites carefully. If the site has copied photos or low prices, it might not be real. Reading reviews can also help you know if people got their orders without problems.

Matarese tried to guess which bag was fake and got it wrong! Small details like stitching and the material can show if it is real or not. Fakes might look good, but the quality is poor, so buyers feel unhappy.

Difficult words: tricky (difficult), review (when someone gives their opinion about a book, film product, etc.), stitching (the thread which holds some materials together).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What advice does the text provide to help identify fake designer bags when shopping online?


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