Mallorca alcohol ban – level 2

27-08-2024 07:00

Mallorca put a strict ban on alcohol in some party zones in May.

People can pay a fine of up to 1,500 Euros for breaking the rules. Luis moved to the area 25 years ago. He says that tourism changed a lot, and the noise is unbearable. Shops must stop selling alcohol by 9:30 PM, but not all follow the rules. Tourists, mainly Germans, keep drinking and causing trouble, making life difficult for residents. Local people say that authorities have to enforce the new rules enforced the new rules more strongly. Some locals are thinking about moving away because of the noise.

Authorities are trying to attract better tourists, for example, by making hotel stays longer and more expensive, but the situation is still bad.

Difficult words: unbearable (too bad to accept), resident (a person who lives in a place), enforce (to make people follow the rules).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What measures are authorities in Mallorca taking to address the issues caused by tourism and noise in party zones?


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