Nazca Cat – level 3

23-10-2020 07:00

Peruvian archaeologists have uncovered a 37-meter-long cat etching in a little explored area of the country’s celebrated Nazca Lines UNESCO heritage site.

The site is home to hundreds of gigantic geoglyphs that date back more than 2,000 years.

The geoglyph was drawn on the side of a fairly rocky hill on the Nazca plain, and it was made by forming lines or furrows of 30 to 40 centimeters wide which outlined the figure. Some parts, such as the eyes and mouth, were formed by piling up rocks.

The figure was in the process of disappearing because erosion had been very strong on the hill, and this allowed it to remain hidden for many years.

Difficult words: etching (a drawing made by pushing something sharp against a thick object). geoglyph (a large image or drawing in the natural landscape), furrow (a narrow cut in the ground), erosion (the process when the rock or soil is worn away by water and wind).

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