New technologies help swimmers – level 3

05-07-2024 07:00

The technology used in swimming is very advanced, and swimsuits are a key piece of equipment. Designers constantly work on improving swimsuits, and although they might look similar, at the elite level, they are highly engineered and costly. New suit technology often appears at the Olympics, aiming to enhance performance. The sports governing body regulates the materials and design; however, companies still push the limits to create the best suits. Athletes try out different suits to find the best fit. For example, the latest Arena suit includes a new material with compression and flexibility. It takes only two minutes instead of the usual ten to try it on, and athletes feel more buoyant in the water.

Testing suits in water with cameras show how they minimize bubbles and help streamline the body. Ultimately, you’ll need to test a few times before deciding on the best suit for race day.

Difficult words: elite (the best-trained, best-educated, or richest group in society), engineered (designed and built using scientific principles), buoyant (able to float).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What factors do athletes consider when choosing a swimsuit for race day?


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