North Korea is building a wall – level 1

27-06-2024 07:00

Satellite pictures show that North Korea building a wall near South Korea.

Also, there is cleared land in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Experts are worried. This may stop the peace agreement between North and South Korea. The start of the building is not clear. But pictures from November 2023 do not show a wall. This is strange and happens when the two countries do not talk to each other too much.

The DMZ is a safe area.  There is no peace agreement between the two countries since the Korean War. The new wall and cleared land may be for the military. South Korea is watching the situation closely.

Difficult words: demilitarized zone (an area without people and soldiers), peace agreement (when two countries agree not to fight with each other), military (soldiers).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What is the significance of the new wall and cleared land in the DMZ for the relationship between North and South Korea?


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