North Korea is building a wall – level 3

27-06-2024 07:00

Satellite images reveal that North Korea is constructing sections of what appears to be a wall near its border with South Korea.

BBC analyzed these images and noted that land within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) has also been cleared. Experts suggest this could violate the long-standing truce between the two nations. The exact start date of the construction is unclear, but the structures were not visible in images from November 2023. This activity is unusual and occurs amid rising tensions between North and South Korea.

The DMZ has served as a buffer zone since the Korean War, as a peace treaty was never signed. The cleared land and new structures might have military purposes, which could breach the truce. South Korea’s military is aware of and closely monitoring the situation.

Difficult words: violate (to break a rule or formal agreement), truce (agreement to stop fighting), buffer zone (a neutral area serving to separate hostile forces or nations).

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What is the significance of the cleared land and new structures within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and how could it potentially impact the truce between North and South Korea?


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