Oldest Mother Ever – level 3

24-05-2016 07:00

Biological parents for the first time – in their 70’s! This couple seen here are celebrating the birth of their baby boy, following IVF treatment – their first successful pregnancy in 46 years of marriage.

Daljunder Kaur gave birth last month after two years of fertility treatment, using donor eggs, at a clinic in northern India. In her 70’s, she’s undoubtedly one of the oldest mothers to ever give birth, but her exact age remains unclear since she doesn’t have a birth certificate, which isn’t uncommon in India.

The new mother says that never did her mother-in-law or family members ever taunt her for bearing a child. Kaur says the couple have faced ridicule in a country where infertility is sometimes seen as a curse from God. After suffering several setbacks on their path to becoming parents, the couple maintain they never lost hope. First-time father, Mohinder Singh Gill, says they always planned to have a baby, but it all happened because of God’s blessings.

The man who oversaw the procedure said the couple came to the clinic 3 years ago for treatment because she wasn’t able to get pregnant. He says although initially reluctant, a series of medical tests showed that she was fit and healthy, and at the same risk level as a middle-aged woman becoming pregnant.

Despite the controversy that their ages may have generated, this couple can finally enjoy their new family after such a long wait.

Difficult words: IVF (in vitro fertilisation – when an egg is fertilised by sperm outside the body), taunt (to say something bad), ridicule (joking, teasing, taunts), curse (bad magic), initially (in the beginning), reluctant (unwilling, not wanting to do something).

Source: www.ondemandnews.com

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