People in Barcelona protest against tourism – level 1

09-07-2024 07:00

Barcelona is Spain’s most visited city. About 32 million visitors come every year, many of them from cruise ships.

About 3,000 people in Barcelona protest against too many tourists. These protests also happen in the Canary Islands and Mallorca. Protesters block some hotels and restaurants. They want fewer tourists before the summer. People say that the city should focus on fair jobs and less tourism. The city plans to raise the tourist tax to 4 euros per person from October. They also plan to remove about 10,000 tourist flat licenses in five years. There must be more homes for people who live in Barcelona.

Many cities in the world are dealing with too many tourists.

Difficult words: cruise ship (a large ship which carries many people and travels to several places), block (to make it difficult or impossible to move or get to a place), remove (to take away), license (an official document which says that you can do or have something).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What measures is Barcelona taking to address the issue of overtourism and prioritize the needs of its residents?


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