Protests in Czech Republic – level 3

01-07-2019 07:00

On Sunday, June 23rd, Prague’s largest anti-government protests happened since the fall of the country’s communist regime in 1989. This time around, the people did not want to overthrow the political system, but support it.

The protests were against the country’s prime minister, Andrej Babiš, who is facing conflict of interest allegations and is being investigated for acting criminally to get European Union funds. A EU report says that he hid the fact that he owned a farm so that he could qualify for a subsidy meant for small businesses – but Babiš is a billionaire. The report says that he should return around $20 million in subsidies in total.

The peaceful protests called for Babiš and his close ally, the Czech justice minister, to step down. The minister voted against a law enforcement request to strip Babiš’s parliamentary immunity so that he could be investigated.

Difficult words: conflict of interest (a situation when a politician uses their position to get richer), allegation (saying that somebody did something wrong), subsidy (grant).

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