Same-sex marriage legal in Thailand – level 2

24-06-2024 07:00

Thailand will be the first country in Southeast Asia to allow same-sex marriage.

Senators voted 130 to 4 for the new law, but the King must approve it before it becomes official. Many LGBTQ people and supporters celebrated the vote. The new law will let same-sex couples marry, adopt children, share property, and make health decisions. It changes husband and wife to neutral words but keeps father and mother.

Thailand is known for being friendly to LGBTQ people, and many support this change. The law makes Thailand the first in Southeast Asia and the third in Asia to allow same-sex marriage, and it could inspire other countries.

Difficult words: same-sex marriage (when two men or two women get married), property (a thing or things which belong to someone), inspire (to cause someone to do or feel something).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What impact could Thailand's decision to allow same-sex marriage have on other countries in Southeast Asia and Asia as a whole?


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