Sick chimps eat special plants – level 2

28-06-2024 15:00

Scientists found that wild chimpanzees in Uganda eat plants with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves.

Researchers watched these chimps for four years and believe this behavior could help find new medicines. Researchers from the University of Oxford wanted to learn more about how chimps use plants as medicine. They followed the chimps and watched what they ate when sick or hurt. They collected these plants and tested them. The study showed that 88% of the plants had strong anti-bacterial effects, and 33% were good for reducing inflammation. This means chimps choose certain plants to treat illnesses.

This finding shows that chimps are smart and can find the medicines they need.

Difficult words: pain-relieving (reducing pain), behavior (how you act and what you do in a specific situation), inflammation (when a part of the body gets swollen, hot, and painful).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What percentage of the plants that were collected and tested by researchers from the University of Oxford showed strong anti-bacterial effects?


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