Silvio Berlusconi dies – level 3

16-06-2023 07:00

Silvio Berlusconi, the billionaire media mogul and former Italian prime minister, passed away at the age of 86.

Berlusconi, known for his controversial policies and provocative remarks, had been battling leukemia and recently contracted a lung infection. He died at a hospital in Milan, surrounded by his family.

A state funeral will be held in Milan Cathedral, and Italy has declared a day of national mourning. Berlusconi’s political party Forza Italia will face challenges following his death, but it could also strengthen the leadership of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. His business empire’s future is uncertain, as he never publicly named a successor. Berlusconi’s passing was mourned by political allies and rivals both in Italy and abroad, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, who called him a true friend.

Berlusconi’s personal and public life often caused controversy, but he’s left a lasting impact on Italian politics and society.

Difficult words: mogul (a very rich and powerful person, especially in the entertainment or media industry), controversial (causing a lot of disagreement or argument), provocative (causing anger or strong reaction, often deliberately).

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What impact will the death of Silvio Berlusconi have on the future leadership of Italy's Forza Italia party?


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