Telegram boss in prison – level 3

29-08-2024 07:00

Pavel Durov, the Russian-born billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested at Le Bourget airport in France on Saturday.

Durov, who holds both French and UAE citizenship, was detained following a preliminary police investigation into Telegram’s alleged failure to moderate criminal content on the platform. The incident sparked international controversy. Russia reacted strongly, demanding that Durov’s rights be respected, while Russian lawmaker Maria Butina described him as a political prisoner targeted by the West. Telegram, based in Dubai and known for its encrypted messaging service, has become a crucial communication tool in Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet states. The arrest has also drawn criticism from Elon Musk, who warned of an attack on free speech in Europe.

Durov has previously resisted government pressures, particularly from Russia, to compromise Telegram’s user privacy. His arrest has raised concerns about the future of Telegram and its role as a neutral platform amid increasing geopolitical tensions.

Difficult words: alleged (stated or described but not proven true), controversy (a lot of public disagreement or argument about something), encrypted (protected by code), geopolitical (relating to world politics).

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What were the reasons behind Pavel Durov's arrest at Le Bourget airport in France?


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