UK protests – level 3

07-08-2024 07:00

Anti-immigration protests erupted violently across the UK, leading to police officers being attacked and injured.

The police tried to separate the demonstrators from counter-protesters who were chanting anti-racism slogans. Many arrests were made during the disorder. The Police Federation of England and Wales noted that clashes were widespread in major cities and towns and warned of further violence. The UK government promised that those involved in the riots would face severe consequences, including arrests, prosecutions, and imprisonment. The Home Secretary emphasized that criminal violence and disorder wouldn’t be tolerated. This violence is the biggest challenge for Keir Starmer’s government, which is considering emergency powers to prevent more chaos.

The unrest followed false online claims about a recent killing, leading to far-right protests across the country. Social media platforms, especially those allowing far-right activists, were criticized for spreading disinformation. The police are focused on maintaining order and preventing further escalation.

Difficult words: chant (to shout or sing), prosecution (legal proceedings against someone), disinformation (false information spread deliberately).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

What actions did the UK government promise to take against those involved in the riots?


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