What is flash-panning? – level 2

20-09-2024 07:00

Flash-panning is a new way of dating, like love bombing and ghosting. It begins with a lot of fun and attention, such as exciting dates or trips.

At first, the relationship seems perfect, especially on social media. But when real-life problems like schedules or responsibilities come, the person, called the flashpanner, leaves suddenly. Flashpanners enjoy the exciting start of a relationship but don’t want to deal with anything serious. When things get difficult, they go without any explanation.

According to expert Susan Winter, flashpanners don’t know how to manage problems in relationships, so they leave instead of trying to solve them. This can hurt the other person, who may feel confused and sad.

Difficult words: ghosting (suddenly ending all communication with another person), attention (noticing someone and regarding them as important), explanation (saying why), confused (not able to think clearly, surprised).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What is the behavior of a flashpanner when real-life problems or responsibilities arise in a relationship, according to expert Susan Winter?


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  2. Talk with this person. You can answer questions from Speak in Levels.


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